How to Play Texas Hold'em Poker?
How to Play Texas Hold'em Poker? Before we begin learning how to play Texas Hold'em 포커 , let's go over the terminology used in the game. Among the basic terms used in Texas Hold'em are Community cards, Blinds, Betting, and Actions. Knowing the terminology is crucial to playing the game, and will help you make the most of your time at the poker table. Community cards Community cards are the cards dealt to the players in Texas Hold'em poker. There are five in all. They are dealt to the players during the different rounds of wagering. The first three community cards are called the flop and the second and third cards are known as the turn. The final community card is called the river. Betting is equalized after each round, and players can match each other's total betting or fold. The first three community cards are dealt face up in the center of the table, called the flop. After the first three community cards are dealt, the dealer adds the fourth card face up. Th...