An Overview About Poker
An Overview About Poker Before you sit down to play a hand of poker , you might want to understand the rules. The rules of poker are simple: the money in the center of the table is called the pot, and the object of the game is to win the money. Players place wagers in the hope of making the best hand possible, and if they fail to do so, they forfeit the pot to the player with a better hand. However, there is an old poker saying that says that a bet saved is a bet earned. This means that you should always use discretion when making your decisions, such as calling a bet or re-raising a call. Rules Whether you play poker on a regular basis, at a poker tournament, or at a home game, it is important to have a set of basic rules. Poker games are played on tables with stakes, and all chips must be visible to everyone. The only exception is when a player has purchased additional chips but does not yet appear at the table. This is known as "playing behind," and is not permitted under